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Email: info@sitcert.com
SIT is a professional agency exerting effort in helping Chinese enterprises to obtain domestic and international authentication and certificates.
We are professional testing provider for lighting products, provide the safety and energy efficient testing and certification service according to all kinds of schemes and programs throughout the world.
Growing consumer awareness on climate change, high energy costs and environmental protection in North America is shifting demands towards low consumption, non-polluting electrical products.
The DesignLights Consortium™ (DLC) is a project of Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP), a regional non-profit founded in 1996 whose mission is to serve the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic to accelerate energy efficiency in the building sector through public policy, program strategies and education.
Professional Approved Laboratory for Energy Efficient
SIT has established owned energy efficient testing lab,operates first-class technology, advanced equipment,professional and technically qualified engineers.
Recognized by the EPA as testing laboratory for ENERGY STAR Program
EPA ID #1119483.
Accredited Laboratory by NVLAP for lighting products
Lab Code #201011-0
Approved Laboratory for Lighting Facts and DLC
The test report issued by SIT can be widely used in North America. We have sucessfully help more than hundreds LED manufacturer obtained Energy Star, DLC qualify, Lighting Facts label for the lighting products.
Service features
⇒ SIT is UL's partner for developing the lighting energy efficient service in China mainland
⇒ One-stop testing service for safety and energy efficient
⇒ Face-to-face and convenient technological communicate
Service advantages
⇒ Local assess to test, widely acceptance in North America
⇒ Fast lead times within one week complete test and report, except long time life test required
⇒ Fast completion leadtime for Energy star CB review within three working days
⇒ Conduct Energy star verification testing in SIT lab directly
⇒ Capable test both under North America program and European directive
Product Scope
high bays, wall packs, roadway luminaires, retrofit-kits, decorative LEDs, and LED panels (such as refrigerator lights, T8’s, and panels used in commercial, industrial, or outdoor applications).